Magnitude of Body Image

As the year of 2020 is slowly coming to an end, we may all agree that the earth experienced a 360 to its spin. This made me tune in and wonder, whether we could get a grip on our planet and shake it like a snow globe. But with change as the only constant I came to realise that much has to do with the magnitude that we attach to things. So, what do I mean with ‘’magnitude’’, as I can imagine you guessing. With this nine-letter word I am not referring to an earthquake, although this year’s shake-up might have felt like one. I am referring to the importance which we ‘’cut-copy-paste’’ to all that lies external and within.

Isn’t it odd that the physical body is the only pinky swear we can rely on, yet we don’t always treat it like it does? Instead of immersing thyself with words of self-love we, humans, are prone to oversexualize it while underappreciate it, objectify it and still underestimate it. So, what if we said ‘’thank you’’ to the body instead? May this be because of the unique vessels we are provided with or the gravity that keeps us grounded.

Recollect that you are so much more than the size of your jeans, the number on the scale or the number of squats you make. You are a home to your life, reflect a memory to someone and are at a minimum, the poetry that’s yet to unfold in your heart. The magnitude of your body will always be detached from its image and the juxtaposition of someone else’s manipulated mirror. I can spoil however, that this will always depend on how you choose to perceive it. So, let this be an aide-mémoire of love and recognition for all that your body does… you are only human.

Model, writer and art direction: Angel Esajas

Photographer and art direction: Hayet Meniar

Illustrations: Roos @roziesillustrations


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