Journey Behind My Highlights

It’s unimaginable that Times Square is nearly empty, my go-to place for vegan mac ‘n cheese is closed and the rushy New Yorkers are forced to slow down. The world got put on mute and as a result we take deeper breaths and appreciate more of what and who we do have. We reflect, and so I do upon my journey in New York.

The American Dream… long conversations with open-minded strangers and playing Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys on repeat. This, whilst ‘’hustling’’ to manage my university deadlines with a young-adult social life, the Long Island Railroad and Trader Joe’s.

We must not forget, the avenues I’ve cried on because of both happiness and homesickness, felt hugged and alone in the crowdedness. Or let me confess, goofily carrying too many grocery bags to my dorm and singing happy birthdays to those I love from the city that has my heart.

The American Dream… who would’ve thought that the people and events such as in Zoey 101 and Mean Girls are for real? Remember that the romanticised images will always be a narrowed virtual selection, because…

We see the outcome rather than the process, the smile rather than the blood, sweat and tears. We’re clueless of how someone might feel and the amount of no’s before a single yes. Instead, we judge and by doing so we differentiate ‘’them’’ from ‘’us’’, whilst often forgetting that despite different circumstances, many work equally as hard.

As a gratitude-junkie I am out of words to describe my gratitude for all that I have learnt. New York has taught me greater perspective and self-awareness, taking my power back and practicing acceptance.

It’s unimaginable that Times Square is nearly empty, my go-to place for vegan mac ‘n cheese is closed and the rushy New Yorkers are forced to slow down. The world got put on mute and as a result we take deeper breaths and appreciate more of what and who we do have. We reflect, and so I do upon my journey in New York.


VIDEO CREATION: Anano @underdressedkid

ILLUSTRATIONS: Roos @roziesillustrations

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