“How much would your current situation differ, if you were born in a different (time) zone?”

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It has been quite a while since I last updated my blog. To be specific, it has been over five months (a big oops & un grande applauso to a new record). Time truly flies, meanwhile we are already near the half of this ‘’new year’’.

‘’Time is a valuable currency, you cannot buy it nor get it back.’’

I view time as something utterly relative, deficient, hard to define and yet presumed at the same time. Personally, I find it dazzling whatever happens over time. How much you can evolve as a human being, change your mentality and physics, regenerate your spark or remain at the same wavelength. Besides that, visualize yourself remolding your surroundings, whereupon, coming home to a person (and/) or find it within yourself. Regardless of how you would define the ticking of the clock, life, including its time goes on. Whether you want it or not and do something or don’t. Within these universal, magical 24 hours we are elected to obtain endless experiences. Realizably we can both meet and lose people, grow a seed or quit watering it. Try to soak this all in and take time into perspective, yes hun you dó have as many hours in a day as Beyoncé! So, beyond an exact definition of ‘’time’’, let’s pause the basic timekeeper for a short bit and race against the (Queen Bey) clock. Let’s be in the present and jazz around MILANO’CLOCK.

Pizza signs on nearly every thoroughfare corner, street names that sound beautiful but are hard to pronounce, and Italian women with incredibly gorgeous hair. That is how I would summarize my 2-day observation of Milan. Of course, I could elaborate on a lot more. Such as the impressive Roman architecture and the (in my opinion) overpraised pizza but underpraised ice cream. On another note, the street style (gosh, Italian people are so fashionable!) and the distinct demeanors the Duomo (Santa Maria Nascente) has on pictures, although it does not change position (#instagramgoals). Not to be forgotten, I reunited after approximately three years with a genuine soul (if you read this, ciao bellissima <3).

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‘’What a Wonderful World’’

While I was sitting in the bus, on my way back to piovoso Holland (means: ‘’rainy Holland’’, beg my pardon, but I just feel badass adding Italian words that I searched on Google), the song ‘’What a wonderful world’’ by jazz legend Louis Armstrong popped up in my head. I look around and ‘’I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them bloom for me and you’’ *fill in the blanket* ___ ‘’And I think to myself what a wonderful world’’. Although I surely observe and experience this wonderful world, I also view a world full of injustice and social inequality. Again, ‘’I think to myself’’, what if I was born in a different (time) zone? What if I was selling low-quality products as a refugee around the Duomo, and didn’t even have time to think about that awesome Instagram picture? And, what if I was sweeping floors for a living, instead of stressing about my university deadlines? What if, what if … In between the rush of the ticking clock, we might forget to pause, look around ‘’see trees of green, red roses too’’ and ‘’think to ourselves’’___

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As you may tell, I always feel like I drown in a sea of inspiration whenever I change my surroundings, thus (time) zone. Throwing this back to one of the questions I posed to you: ‘’How much would your current situation differ, if you were born in a different (time) zone?’’

Strive to think about this, observe and not judge your answer in any way. I truly hope I added some value to your valuable currency (and didn’t tire you with the thousand questions I ask myself). Just remember, ‘’time is a valuable currency, you cannot buy it nor get it back’’, so you better fill it up with something good and someone positive. See you at my next blog post! Il meglio deve ancora arrivare (the best is yet to come).   

Con tanto amore,

Angel Esajas

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