Survival Guide for the Tropics of SU

As I am writing this blog post I am positioned in a whole other environment than the jungle of Surinam, where the cover photo of this blog post was taken. Instead, I am writing this blog post with a pumpkin spice latte by my side and a huge scarf that covers my throat at the Starbucks of Amsterdam Central Station. Even though I adore the diverse range of nature’s complexions during Fall, the excuse to wear rain boots all the time, knitwear and pumpkin spice lattes (which burns my tongue), I can’t think of a better idea than to wander off to this Summer’s heat in Surinam. So, for approximately seven minutes, let’s escape this rainy Fall and dream of palm trees, beachwear and coconuts, shall we?

SU jungleProcessed with Rookie Cam Processed with VSCO with m5 preset

You may wonder why the subtitle of this blog post sounds like an episode of Ned’s Survival Guide. Well, I can tell you, it has nothing to do with school (and all the deadlines I am currently facing) but everything with preparation. My vacation in Surinam felt like a dream, one that flew by, however, there were some small details concerning preparation that could have saved me. For instance, saving me from burying my phone, including some killer photos that it contained, at the end of the vacation.

Processed with Rookie CamProcessed with VSCO with m5 presetProcessed with Rookie Cam

5 things/ tips to bring in your survival backpack:

  1. Rainbow coverage for your (I)phone

Let’s head off with the scenario that might made you curious: my phone, a.k.a. my baby. My baby unfortunately got stated ‘’total loss’’ due to ‘’a little’’ sun (let’s say 36 degrees Celsius) during half of my vacation. It most likely got overheated the day I only covered it with a black canvas bag (note: black absorbs heat the most), during a long walk at an open-air museum. As a result, my phone solely showed black screen, which made me put the saying ‘’offline is the new luxury’’ into practice. So, beware folks, rainbow cover your (I)phone and make as many backups as possible.


  1. You are not cool enough to sleep with the air-conditioning on, capeesh?

At least, I wasn’t cool enough to sleep with the air-conditioning on. In order to prevent you from getting a cold in the tropics: do not sleep with the air-conditioning on. Because, it ís possible to get a sore throat with +33 degrees Celsius in the middle of the tropics…I’ve been there, done that.

  1. Wear caps or hats, not only because they look fab

Besides a broken phone which looked as new (it’s about the inside, not about the outside remember) and a cold, I also got a sun stroke. Unluckily, I wasn’t cool enough to sleep with the air-conditioning on, nor to take a nap near the pool in the middle of the burning sun. If you do (or don’t) reckon yourself as cool enough, at least wear caps or hats, not only because they make you look fabulous.


  1. Yellow cabs, even though we’re not coming to (Northern) America

Although this is not my Coming to America, nor my ”You want to stay in New York? I want to marry you!” blog post, one of my final tips is to take yellow cabs when you’re heading to a specific destination at further distance. Believe me, it will help you save a lot of money if you want to pay a reasonable price for a taxi ride. You can call ‘’1660’’ or save the private number of a certain driver who drives for that, or another taxi company.

  1. Mosquito spray, your new BFF

Last but not least, I got bit by a mosquito on an inflamed eye in development. Of course, you won’t use mosquito spray for your face but you can apply it to most parts of your body (if you’re not allergic to it). Okay, I got an inflamed eye, a broken phone, a cold ánd a sun stroke, but hey, we should stay positive, shouldn’t we?

I must admit that I think that I was an exception to experience all these things. I’m not too sad about it actually, because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to provide you guys with these things/tips to bring in your survival backpack. Now that your LV survival backpack is all packed I am more than convinced that you’ll be a better version of my inner Dora who tries to avoid Sweeper the fox. Moreover, you’re all packed and set to play in Destiny’s Child’s video clip ‘’Survivor’’ ánd ready for my next blog post, which I am even more excited about.

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